“Just thought I would give you some feedback on the Proteus! I am managing to get 15 minutes everyday and it’s working fantastically well. I am even finding it helps relieve my headaches. Or at least it is chilling me out so I don’t worry so much maybe!”
Jason Hulott – Internet Marketing Consultant
“I feel relaxed and calm whilst using my Proteus. After, I still feel like this for a while. I am definitely more laid back about life. I find myself reacting less to events. More chilled I guess. I would recommend the Proteus to anyone. I just wish I had more hours in the day to explore the other programs.”
Susan Carter – Staffs, UK
I find it to be a very useful tool for creative problem solving, unblocking my thinking processes whilst I intuitively map out and record down my goals.”
Ewan Drackley, Worcestershire, UK
“I really think this is an excellent way for busy people to unwind, find balance etc. I used to meditate regularly and persue other spiritual practices, but since the birth of my little boy, now two, I do not have as much time for these activities.
The Proteus is a good way to help maintain a balanced and healthy frame of mind, to remain compassionate, calm, and to feel the magic that altered states can work on my life. ”
—– Zoe Reynolds – West Midlands, UK
“Both my daughter and I are totally addicted to our Proteus now, it’s considered a daily treat.
We’re both feeling tremendous benefits from its use, my daughter sleeping markedly better, which is having a knock on effect on her capacity to study and her energy. I also note her to be more confident, assertive and just generally displaying a greater zest for life.
I myself just can’t believe the differences I feel. I have always tended to be quite anxious with tendency to depressive thought patterns and a lot of negative self talk. Now I wake every morning feeling happy and fit for anything the day may throw up. I’m noticeably calmer, even tempered and more organised and productive in work, feel better about myself.
My daughter and I just seem to hug and laugh more together which is lovely given the storms that can occur during adolescence. I just cannot believe my luck in stumbling across your site and that is meant whole heartedly.
I can’t believe these machines aren’t more widely talked about, advertised and promoted by gps, health service etc. It works a hell of a lot better than anti depressants or sleeping remedies. ”
—– Karen M, Northen Ireland
“I don’t sleep at all well but when I wake up now I use the Proteus and even if I have to use it 2 or 3 times I don’t feel exhausted in the morning as I did before. I love using it and feel really refreshed after a session. I’m really glad I bought it.
Using the Proteus helps a lot with visualization as it puts you in the right frame of mind.
I am really please to receive all your emails as every one had something interesting in it. Great customer service ”
—– Susan Jackson – Luton, UK
“Since using my Proteus, sleeping has been much better. My mind seems a lot clearer, and sharper,and I have more energy and motivation for my art work. Customer service A1, and I couldn’t be happier with the team. ”
—– Patricia Rawnsley – Nottinghamshire, UK