Mindspa Personal Development System
Price including free UK delivery: £255
30 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
BONUS – Includes our ‘Concentrate Your Mind’ e-course worth £25 AND 3 amazing guided visualisations
The MindSpa is an excellent personal development system which utilises specifically tuned frequencies of light and sound to gently guide you into deeply relaxed states of body and mind.
The MindSpa is exceptionally easy to use and its programmes range in length from 10 to 60 minutes. The MindSpa’s built-in programmes have been developed by Dr Ruth Olmstead, a psychologist and expert in Auditory and Visual Stimulation.
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“I have devoted 35 years to developing tools to make the human brain more user friendly. I find the MindSpa to be of the most important new tools that can open the doorway to better quality of life .I use the MindSpa on myself….I use the MindSpa on my clients. The results I get are astonishing. Better learning, sleeping, thinking…… the list goes on and on. I intend to use this device to create opportunity, success, and freedom. Let the future be more wonderful! ”
— Dr. Richard Bandler, Co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming™