
Price: £195 SOLD OUT

Product Description

Procyon is a new kind of light and sound experience, melding a full spectrum of colour choices with clean, pure digital sound. The resulting new media form can be used to modulate states of consciousness in rich new ways.

It’s state of the art colour synthesis elements can modulate smoothly between fields of pure colour (Ganzfield) through subtle shimmering effects, to full-on flicker frequency range. Each colour channel (red, green and blue) is independently programmable, allowing up to three simultaneous stimulation frequencies at once. This variety of innovative visual effects enables a new kind of audio-visual experience, and can closely match colour to the desired mental state.

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Special Offer

We’re giving away three amazing guided visualisations with every Procyon System – Deep Relaxation and Meditation, Developing Your Intuition and Manage Stress & Anxiety.

Key features of the Procyon system

  • Super-bright glasses with ‘ruby red’, ’emerald green’ and ‘saphire blue’ LEDs
  • 255 shades of each colour (red, green, blue)
  • Complex, multiple visual effects and waveforms
  • Digital audio interface for clear, clean sound
  • Free downloadable session editor enables you to create your
    own sessions
  • Each colour channel is independently programmable for precise control of visual effects
  • Capacity to store nearly 250 sessions
  • 50 built–in sessions for deep relaxation, meditation, enhanced concentration, peak performance, improved learning, creativity and more
  • Deluxe stereo headphones
  • AudioStrobeTM & SynchroMuse decoding circuitry. This allows specially encoded music CDs to control the Proteus’s lights resulting in perfectly synchronized audio-visual experiences.
  • Carrying case
  • Attractive, compact design
  • USB connectivity – which also can be used to power the system
  • Easy to operate

Your Procyon package includes

  • Procyon control unit
  • Red/Green/Blue compact GanzFrames™ with micro-miniature LEDs
  • Stereo Headphones
  • USB cable (mini to standard)
  • Stereo (mini, 3.5mm) audio patchcord
  • Carrying case
  • Manual
  • Free programming software available via download
  • One-year parts and labour warranty

What People Say

“I have had my Procyon Meditation Machine for roughly a month now and thought I’d let you know how I’m getting on!

This little gadget is the best thing I have ever spent my money on.

My sleep has improved greatly; I have always had a problem with insomnia in the past, and I do a very stressful job which used to bring me home from work feeling wired and unable to relax. I’ve now got into the habit of using the machine for a 30 min session when I get home from work, and then again for 20 mins when I get into bed. I am sleeping better than I ever have before. I have also been using positive affirmations. Having recently been on an Anxiety Management Course, I had learnt some breathing techniques etc which have helped me to overcome panic attacks; The Procyon is disciplining me to focus on my thoughts however, and Im sure I feel positive results already after only a month. Not only that, but I look forward to the sessions and it feels like luxurious “me time”!

Please let me know if I can offer you a recommendation that you could use in your promotions (or please transcribe what I have written above). It’s working wonders for me and I can’t thank you enough.”

Kat, Lincoln, UK
“I sometimes have sleeping difficulties. Yes, the Procyon has helped.

I have multiple sclerosis so a session on my Procyon at bedtime helps me forget any discomfort while the session is in progress. This means that when the session is over I am more tired and ready to sleep.

I am writing a book of poems for children and I find I get some very good ideas during an afternoon session (though a prospective publisher might not agree!)

A session in the afternoon makes me feel calm while it is in progress and full of energy immediately afterwards. I think I feel more able to cope with life and all that it throws at me since I started using the Procyon.

This, of course, may be simply because I expected something to happen. It was a great deal of money for me to spend (I am a pensioner) so perhaps I have had to justify it psychologically but I do feel more in control. On the whole I think I owe you a big vote of thanks so….THANKS ”

Helen Hills, UK

Differences to other machines

The Procyon boasts many features that set it apart from the other Meditation Machines.

  • One of the main advantages of the Procyon is that it uses multi-coloured Light Glasses. The Procyon uses red, green and blue lights and because these are the three primary light colours they can be combined to form all colours of the spectrum. The state-of-the-art technology used in the Procyon means that the lights are used very effectively to produce very interesting visual effects. There is evidence to show that colour can have important effects on mood and state of mind and so this will be of particular interest for people who wish to experiment with colour.
  • This mid-range machine has a full range of in-built programs but is particularly beneficial if you have a keen interest in creating your own programs and expermenting fully with light and sound to create benefits tailored specifically for you.

Mixing colours

A broad range of colour-mixing effects possible with additional features of the Procyon. Phase-shifting means that the way in which each coloured wave of light mixes with the others changes over time. For example, if red and green are waving together” the colours mix and produce a perceived yellow colour. Now imagine that the red starts first, followed by the green: the overall perceived colour starts out as red, then transforms first to yellow, then to green. Now, imagine this happens multiple times each second, and you can begin to visualize the colour-mixing potential of the Procyon.

Mandala imagery

Most people notice and enjoy the complex, shifting, mandala-like imagery they see behind their closed eyelids during flicker stimulation.

Even single-colour flicker stimulation can generate more than one “virtual” colour. But the use of more than one colour dramatically enhances this effect, and with all three primary colours now present, the effect can be remarkably beautiful, helping to transport you to a splendid inner world.

From flicker to ganzfeld

A ganzfeld is a field of light which fills your visual field. Best known for its use in parapsychological studies (where typically half of a ping-pong ball is placed over each eye, then illuminated by a steady red light), our ganzfeld feature allows the creation of such fields in a wide variety of colours.

Flicker can also be mixed with the steady light-field, creating a range of subtle, easy-on-the-eyes shimmering effects-perfect for those with sensitive eyes.

Pre-Set Sessions

The Procyon has a variety of preset sessions built into it to enable you to explore wide range of coloured light (and sound)-induced alternate states of awareness. Sessions are grouped into these general categories:

Meditation and tranquillity. These sessions use mostly “calming” colours, especially blue and green, but also shades of purple and occasionally other colours for visual variety. They tend to change slowly and are intended to lead the mind towards a state of meditation and tranquillity.

Sleep. Similar to the calming sessions, but even slower and again focused on blue and green light and their combinations. The goal is to help clear the mind before bed and trigger the brain states that lead to restful sleep.

Learning. Most of these are based upon the super-learning paradigm, and are designed to put your mind and brain into the optimum state for assimilation, retention and understanding during a study period.

Peak performance. Mostly “middle of the rainbow” colours and frequencies associated with the goals of mental activation and peak performance; often used for learning and sports preparation.

Energy/rejuvenation. More active; patterns shift rapidly and are intended to prepare the mind and body for activities such as sports and other physical activities, or before meetings and tests. Perfect for use during breaks from work and for study.

Visualization/artform/entertainment. These sessions demonstrate the more purely aesthetic aspects of the Procyon, and are intended to induce more complex (even hallucinatory) visual imagery, and as preparation for exploring altered states of awareness. Click here to see all the Procyon built-in sessions

If you have any questions at all then please do contact us. We’ll be happy to advise you without any obligation for you to buy.