“I have had my Procyon Meditation Machine for roughly a month now and thought I’d let you know how I’m getting on!
This little gadget is the best thing I have ever spent my money on.
My sleep has improved greatly; I have always had a problem with insomnia in the past, and I do a very stressful job which used to bring me home from work feeling wired and unable to relax. I’ve now got into the habit of using the machine for a 30 min session when I get home from work, and then again for 20 mins when I get into bed. I am sleeping better than I ever have before. I have also been using positive affirmations. Having recently been on an Anxiety Management Course, I had learnt some breathing techniques etc which have helped me to overcome panic attacks; The Procyon is disciplining me to focus on my thoughts however, and Im sure I feel positive results already after only a month. Not only that, but I look forward to the sessions and it feels like luxurious “me time”!
Please let me know if I can offer you a recommendation that you could use in your promotions (or please transcribe what I have written above). It’s working wonders for me and I can’t thank you enough.”
Kat, Lincoln, UK
“I sometimes have sleeping difficulties. Yes, the Procyon has helped.
I have multiple sclerosis so a session on my Procyon at bedtime helps me forget any discomfort while the session is in progress. This means that when the session is over I am more tired and ready to sleep.
I am writing a book of poems for children and I find I get some very good ideas during an afternoon session (though a prospective publisher might not agree!)
A session in the afternoon makes me feel calm while it is in progress and full of energy immediately afterwards. I think I feel more able to cope with life and all that it throws at me since I started using the Procyon.
This, of course, may be simply because I expected something to happen. It was a great deal of money for me to spend (I am a pensioner) so perhaps I have had to justify it psychologically but I do feel more in control. On the whole I think I owe you a big vote of thanks so….THANKS ”
Helen Hills, UK