The ColorTrack Glasses are a major technological breakthrough and will considerably enhance your Meditation Machine visual experience.
It’s long been known that colour can influence your mental state. For example, many people find that green and blue have a soothing effect, while red and amber have an energising bias.
The ColorTrack glasses allow you to switch between 20 colour choices during a session with a click of a button – without having to take the glasses off.
Everyone will react in different ways to colour stimulation. The ColorTrack glasses enable you to experiment with different colours and find out which colours resonate best with you. And you can easily switch colours to suit your mood or situation. For example, you might find that you like using a gold or yellow colour when you use the InnerPulse in the morning, but prefer a gentle blue or aqua colour at night when your eyes are beginning to feel tired.
Another great feature is the option of using the ColorTrack Glasses in ‘Frequency Tracking’ mode. This has the effect of causing the ColorTrack Glasses to track the frequency of the InnerPulse session and automatically change to an appropriate colour. For example, The ColorTrack Glasses will use a red or indigo light when the session is in the higher Beta frequencies, change to green as the session moves into Alpha, and then switch to blue as the session progresses into Theta. This can have an incredible effect on the quality of your Meditation Machine session.