Neuro Prosperity Programme Download

You can download the main Neuro Prosperity’ programme by right clicking on the link below and selecting ‘Save Link’ or ‘Save Target’ (or something similar).

Click here to download main programme

And the short programme can be downloaded by right clicking on the link below and selecting ‘Save Link’ or ‘Save Target’ (or something similar).

Click here to download short programme

Note from the author of the programme, Clive Cable.

How to get the most from your Neuro-Prosperity programme.

Thank you for investing in this state of the art audio programme.
This programme is different from anything else you’ve listened to for various reasons. One of these is as you listen to this the background sounds entrain your brain, increasing its power.
It’s designed so it does all the work for you while you just relax in a comfortable place.
Before listening please be sure that your headphones are the right way round, the left side on the left ear, etc.
We suggest this because you will hear two voices at the same time during the main section of the programme.
One side is left-brained linear language for the right ear to be absorbed by the left brain. The other is pictorial linguistics heard on the left ear for the assimilation by the right brain.
We’ve done this to have the maximum impact on your future with minimum effort on your part.
At times you might find yourself listening to the voice in the right ear, and at other times you might find yourself paying attention to the voice in the left ear. That’s fine. Often, you will find that the voices and sounds just wash over you – and that’s fine too .Whether you are conscious or not of the positive suggestions contained in the programme, they will embed in your unconscious mind and direct you to a better future.
On occasions when you don’t have the time to listen to the main programme (or whenever you feel like a quick boost) listen to the shorter track instead. The short track has been recorded using new psychological techniques to impart information in an accelerated way.
Meditation Machine Users
The ‘Financial Prosperity Programme’ will be extremely effective on its own, but you can amplify the effects even more by using it with a Meditation Machine.
If you have a Meditation Machine set it to Audio-Strobe, a feature which allows us to control the lights, ensuring you of an amazing learning session.
If you don’t already own a Meditation Machine, you can learn more about them here .