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Learn Mindfulness Meditation Easily,

Quickly and Effectively.

Meditation MindSpa

Meditation Machines make Mindfulness Meditation easy for beginners and enable experienced meditators to deepen their practice.

You’ll soon attain the deep states of mental and physical relaxation needed to experience true Mindfulness.


Our Meditation Machines have been reviewed In Yoga Magazine.

Yoga Mag

This is what they said :

” A Meditation Machine is a unique invention that has a multitude of uses: to aid meditation, improve memory, learning capabilities and visualization techniques, or simply to unwind or improve the quality of your sleeping patterns.”

(You can read the full article and see other reviews here)

Meditation Machines use special patterns of light and sound to lead you gently into the peaceful, calm states of meditation that will help you to relax deeply, improve concentration and memory, and sleep more soundly.

“A friend recommended that I buy a Meditation Machine as I wanted to learn to meditate.

I had attended a meditation course a little while ago, but had been unable to get anywhere. The Meditation Machine has been incredible. The sound and colours are amazing and I quickly find myself relaxing mentally and physically. Considering the benefits I’m getting from using it, it’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made.”

—— John Kilbride – Sheffield


Mindfulness and Mind Machines

Tara has been trying to learn Mindfulness Meditation because she’s aware of the many benefits that meditation can bring.

MeditationShe’s bought books on MIndfulness and has even attended meditation courses.

But Tara is starting to get frustrated and even a little discouraged because nothing seems to work for her.

When she tries to meditate, she often feels restless and her mind seems to be flying all over the place. She finds she can’t relax and frequently feels more stressed and anxious than when she started.

Fortunately, in her research Tara discovered Meditation Machines.

A Mind Machine is a small, portable device that uses light and sound to gently slow down your brain-wave patterns and helps guide you into deeper levels of mind.

MandellaNow, when Tara wants to meditate, she sits down with her Meditation Machine and puts on the comfortable headphones and special light-stimulation glasses.

She selects a deep meditation program and after a few seconds she hears soothing pulses through the headphones. At the same time, through her closed eyelids, she can see the softly, flickering lights produced by the glasses.

The sounds and the lights start to slow down in synchrony and, without any effort, her mind and body automatically start to slow down and relax.

Jewel-like colours illuminate her visual and mental fields. She sees amazing visual effects, including the illusion of complex, shifting geometrical imagery. This imagery is so compelling that her mind clears of extraneous thoughts and distractions and other stresses of daily life.

Touching FingersWithin a few minutes she is in a deep meditative state and she feels the tension and anxiety seep away as a profound sense of well-being flows through her.

After 20 minutes, the session ends and she feels calmer, mentally alert and positive about the week ahead.

A Meditation Machine can help you too achieve deep states of Mindfulness Meditation easily, quickly and effortlessly.

>Click here to find out more about Mind Machines

How do Meditation Machines work?

Meditation Machines use a sophisticated form of audio and visual technology that uses light and sound to guide you gently and automatically into a deep state of mind and body.

MindSpa Mind MachineA Mind Machine consists of a small control unit (about the size of a smart phone), a set of headphones and special glasses that contain small LED lights.

Through the headphones you’ll hear special tones and pulses (known as binaural and isochronic beats) that have been shown to be very helpful for leading the brain into more relaxed states.

At the same time, the lights in the glasses start to flash at the same frequency as the audio tones. (You would normally have your eyes closed, but you can see the lights gently flickering behind your closed eyelids.).

The pulses of light and sound start off quite fast as they need to engage your brain which ticks over quickly at the normal level of consciousness.

Lady MeditatingGradually, the pulses slow down and your brain will automatically follow suit and slow down in unison.

The imagery created by the light and sound provides a focus for your mind and quietens internal dialogue or chatter. The various areas of your brain begin to integrate into one whole, harmonious unit as experienced by masters of meditation.

The tone, frequency and other parameters of the light and sound vary the effect. Mind Machines have many different types of sessions built into them for meditation, relaxation, stimulation, creative visualization and so on.


How Does Using A Meditation Machine Compare To Other Meditation Techniques ?

There are many techniques for getting into a meditative state – Yoga, Zen, Mindfulness, Mantras, and so on.

Meditation Machines use sound and light as another meditation technique, which is no more or less valid than traditional methods.

Woman MeditatingScientists have scanned the brains of Tibetan Monks and other experienced meditators and have found that meditation is associated with a slowing down of brain waves from the Beta of normal consciousness into the slower rhythms of Alpha and Theta. They have also noticed that here is a greater degree of unity between the two hemispheres of the brain.

This is exactly what happens when scientists have scanned the brains of people using Meditation Machines – their brain waves slow down and the left and right hemispheres of their brains act in greater harmony.

Furthermore, many experienced meditators, including Buddhist Monks, have said that using a Meditation Machine has enhanced their meditation experience.

Using traditional techniques, it can take many years of practice to enter deep states of mind. WIth a a Meditation Machine, you can achieve the same deep, mental state in your first session – automatically and effortlessly.

The Benefits of Using a Meditation Machine

MindSpaWhen you start to use a Meditation Machine, you will quickly experience the proven benefits of deep relaxation and meditation. Thousands of research studies indicate that meditating for as little as fifteen or twenty minutes a day promotes improved mental and physical health and well-being. You’ll experience :

  • More happiness and flow in your life
  • Dramatic reduction in stress and anxiety
  • A greater sense of inner-peace and tranquility
  • Improved mental, emotional and physical well-being
  • Heightened spirituality and a better connection with the universal energy
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Better, more restful and refreshing sleep
  • Optimal focus , concentration and memory